Angelite Tumble

Angelite Tumble

Regular price $4.00
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Keywords: Communication,  Awareness,  Tranquility 

Energetic Attributes:  Provides calming and soothing vibrations, can help relax into a deep & peaceful sleep, heightens awareness, gives protection to the entire body & offers wholeness, spiritual inspiration, and strong healing energies. 

Miscellaneous Attributes:  Chakra--Third Eye, Throat & Crown,  Astrol--Aquarius, Element--Water Planet--Uranus  Mohs--3.5

All of our tumbles are approx. 1" in size, these images are stock photos. With all things in nature, your new stone is unique and will vary slightly in size and color from the ones you see here. Your tumble will be intuitively chosen by a member of our staff.