Fire Quartz Cube

Fire Quartz Cube

Regular price $5.00
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Fire Quartz

Keywords: Balances, Enhances focus & Concentration, Self-Esteem & Clarity. 

Energetic Attributes:  Grounds scattered behavior, Improves focus and concentration, Removes negativity and changes it into a positive light, Balances the body, mind, and spirit, Boosts self-confidence and self-worth & Calms anxieties, panic & hysteria.

Miscellaneous Attributes: Chakra-- Solar Plexus, Sacral & Root,  Astrol-- Scorpio,  Element--Fire, Planet— Mars, Mohs--7

All of our tumbles are approx. 1" in size, these images are stock photos. With all things in nature, your new stone is unique and will vary slightly in size and color from the ones you see here. Your stone will be intuitively chosen by a member of our staff.