Prehnite with Epidote Tower

Regular price $70.00
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Prehnite with Epidote

Keywords: Intuition, Meditation, Inner Peace, Higher-self, Stress Relief

Energetic Attributes: Boosts prophetic abilities, enhances visualization, lucid dreaming, and spiritual knowledge, Can foster a strong sense of trust in Universal Principles and our own ability to magnetize what we need, Clears toxins from the body and balances the meridians & Helps recognize boundaries. 

Miscellaneous Attributes: Chakra--Heart & Solar Plexus, Astrol-- Libra & Capricorn, Element-- Water & Earth, Planet-- Venus & Earth, Mohs--6-7

A- 4.27” x 1.6” x 1.49”, 349.5g

B- 4.23” x 1.9” x .96”, 259.5g

C- 4” x 1.6” x 1.25”, 256.5g

All of our small towers are approx. 2.75" - 4" in size, these images are stock photos. With all things in nature, your new stone is unique and will vary slightly in size and color from the ones you see here.