Herb of the Week — Astringent RSS

Herb of The Week – Elder

   The Elder tree has been used medicinally for centuries throughout Europe. The oldest claim is perhaps its use by the Romans, who, among a variety of medicinal uses, used it to dye hair black. It has been common to eat the flowers or berries; make wine or syrup from the berries; make tea from the leaves, flowers, or inner bark; rub the bruised leaves on the skin; and make tea or tincture from the inner bark. 

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Herb Of The Week – Hibiscus

Originating in Egypt, Hibiscus is now cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, such as Sudan, Mexico, Thailand, India, and China. It is traditionally used in both food and medicine, in a variety of preparations. While the entire plant is used, from using the bast fiber in the production of burlap to using the leaves and flowers in salads, the flowers are most well-known for medicinal use.

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Herb of The Week – Yarrow

Yarrow has an ancient relationship with mankind, and has many uses, but yarrow's main effect and what it is most famous for is its ability to aid in the healing of wounds. Yarrow also helps with circulation, aiding in breaking fevers by causing sweating, and aiding in digestion.

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